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Application Schedule



Application Period              22 March - 1 May 2024
      -  Early Bird Application Period (Discount on course fee)                    -  22 March - 5 April 2024
      -  Normal Application Period (NO Discount on course fee)                    -  6 April - 1 May 2024
Application Result Announcement               21 May 2024
Course Fee Payment Deadline               23 May 2024

Important Note:

HKUST Summer Institute does not engage in any form of partnership with any agency and organization. Applicants should make applications directly to the HKUST Summer Institute.

* Only permanent Hong Kong residents/ non-permanent residents with an existing student visa or dependent visa for studying in Hong Kong (the visa must be valid through the program period) are eligible to apply for the Summer Institute 2024. Application fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. We will only consider students’ applications after we receive their existing and valid student visas throughout the application process.